Getting the COVID-19 vaccination is an important part of protecting yourself if you're at increased risk of getting seriously ill from the virus.
The COVID-19 vaccines are offered because viruses change and protection fades over time. It's important to top up your protection if you're eligible. Staying up to date with your vaccinations not only helps protect you but also those around you, especially vulnerable members of the community who may be unable to get vaccinated themselves.
Getting the COVID-19 vaccine can:
- help reduce your risk of getting severe symptoms
- help you recover more quickly if you catch COVID-19
- help reduce your risk of having to go to hospital or dying from COVID-19
- protect against different types of COVID-19 virus
You may still get or spread COVID-19 even if you have a vaccine, so it's important to follow advice about how to avoid catching and spreading COVID-19.
Who should have the COVID-19 vaccine
You may be offered a COVID-19 vaccine in spring if you:
- are aged 75 or over
- are aged 6 months to 74 years and have a weakened immune system because of a health condition or treatment
- live in a care home for older adults
If you are part of the eligible cohorts the practice will contact you to offer you an appointment to get the vaccine.
For further information please read the attached leaflet below.